my fucking face hurts

Apr 22, 2011 22:16

I am in so much fucking pain it is getting unbearable and I seriously just burst into tears because of it. It is definitely some kind of gum/dental infection that has spread to my throat and the pain has taken over my jaw and gives me a constant ache up the back of my head and neck. This has been ongoing since Wednesday and I can't even get in touch with my dentist til Tuesday. I am constantly taking ibuprofen and am cleaning my teeth obsessively and am applying orajel and it is still painful to the point of being unable to turn my attention from it for more than 2 minutes at a time.

Today I miss Matt a lot. I will sleep next to him but won't actually get to talk to him until Sunday night which is strange. Two days of opposite schedules when I'm used to talking to him about practically everything is just weird.

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