Okay I just went through communities I've made on all my past usernames and I've decided to make a list and see if anyone wants them or thinks I should reopen them. Here's the list of communities I'm not sure if I should reopen, let me know if you think I should!
jumpstreet_lims Here are the ones I'm giving away. First come first serve =)
___free_layouts21js_icontest80s_stillnessacoustic_styleall_icons_americandesignsbeautycontest__centralperklimsclaims__claims__listcrazysexycoolxxdepp_challengedoug_deluiseevalong_limsfindneverlandhereat_tortugaiconchallenge_in__the__zonejd_stillnessjust_johnnyxpostanything_request_it_hereshipwreck_iconsshipwreckdesignshipwreckmakerssimplelayouts_simply_graphicstheme_challengethemoviequiz_tortugaicons EDIT: If you want a community that I've started, let me know if you want me to delete everything so you can start from scratch. =)
lj user=hollywoodinc> -- graphics community closed
tastethevictory -- new graphics community
blackpearl_lims -- potc trilogy lims
bspears_lims -- britney spears lims
jsimpsonlims -- jessica simpson lims
limsofhollywood -- entertainment lims
lp_lims -- linkin park lims
wisterialims -- desperate housewives lims