
Aug 08, 2007 15:29

A NEW ICON MEME...or so I think =P, sorry if I copied anyone exactly ( Read more... )

graphic meme

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Comments 109

nineteen60 August 8 2007, 19:47:34 UTC
example reply nineteen60 August 8 2007, 19:54:36 UTC
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS: The cropping is very nice. The 4th icon is nice however theres too much of the black shown which takes away from the focus of the icon.


nineteen60 August 10 2007, 09:25:20 UTC
I love the 2nd icons style!


daisiesdaily August 8 2007, 20:16:59 UTC
shim_shim August 8 2007, 21:28:04 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: i think the coloring is very pretty and natural, except number five, which is bright and fun.
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS: the first seems very busy, but i think that was due to the pictures themselves. the second is a bit blurry, but really pretty coloring. the third is a nice cropping, but there's a lot of dead space. i love the fourth one, although the font is kind of pixel-y on my screen (but that changes on some peoples screens). i like the fifth, but it's a bit fast. gorgeous coloring and cropping in general though!
(i didn't know what you wanted me to comment on so i commented on it all. lol.)


daisiesdaily August 8 2007, 22:27:38 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: I think you are a very good maker, you have the eye for what is good iconing.
#1: the coloring is good, although she is a little too white (which could just be the image), the set-up is well done.
#2: the coloring and cropping is very nicely done, they have a nice skintone.
#3: the cropping is wonderful as well as the coloring; it was very well done and you can tell your "icon eye" really shows.
#4: simple yet nice, the coloring is nice. the text is a little hard to read however nice font choice.
#5: the "border" was a nice choice for this icon. the animation is well done and a perfect part in the opening credits to do. the coloring isn't overdone, just perfect.


daisiesdaily August 10 2007, 09:26:33 UTC
I love all of these! I can't even pick which one would be my favourite. Where do you post?


shim_shim August 8 2007, 21:23:46 UTC
shim_shim August 8 2007, 22:31:50 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: I think you are a good icon maker, some of your icons are maybe a little too dark or a little oversharpened, but nothing major.
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS: The upside down image in the first icon is a little odd. The second is very nice, very creative, well done! The last three are nice although the last one is too..."contrasty" (?).


nyc_beat August 10 2007, 09:28:13 UTC
I really like these, but I'm not a big fan on the 1st one. The people upside down frustrate me! I like the 2nd and 3rd best!


shim_shim August 10 2007, 15:02:24 UTC
I think your icons are beautiful! The 1st is unusual, but I like it. The coffee icon is probably my favourite.


dogleish August 8 2007, 22:05:54 UTC
dogleish August 8 2007, 22:36:02 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: You make icons very nicely, you do not settle with anything simple, you always seem to put a lot of effort into your work which is always a good thing. You seem to aim for that extra umph(sp?).
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS: They are all very well done. The cropping and techniques used are very nice. The coloring is okay. The fourth one is my favorite, the background is simple with a little edge the cropping of the images are perfect andd the four colored squared fit nicely and give it a nice touch


dogleish August 9 2007, 20:28:54 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: You have a really original use of color and textures, which I like a lot.


cream_kisses August 9 2007, 21:05:38 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER:I always enjoy your icons. They are definitely diverse and original. Never the same. You make everything so original and beautiful. You are AWESOME.
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS:All five icons are lovely. Every one of them is different. Coloring is breathtaking, styles are freaken incredible and every icon comes together perfectly.


ponkie August 8 2007, 22:11:23 UTC
FIVE ICONS with what they're commenting on (general opinion, coloring, cropping, etc.)

... )


ponkie August 8 2007, 22:40:15 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: You most definitely have the eye for greatness and creativity. Your icons vary in styles, all wonderful and different. Stock icons are definitely your strong point, no doubt.
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS: The coloring on the second icon is okay, could be improved. As for the rest, they're very well done. Coloring and cropping is well done. The last one is filled with a lot of dark space, however, it makes the icon great because the color and brightness almost evens out


ponkie August 8 2007, 22:46:42 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: I don't know what it is but your icons are just something different and always recognisable; you have your own style. I always love whatever you come up with. The colouring and textures you use are lovely, and cropping is always achieved to perfection.
OPINION OF FIVE ICONS: I don't particularly like the first two icons, dull, not really special. Little more contrast or colour needed. Or less colour would emphasize it more. Text positoning perfect in all. I adore the forth icon, the colouring and image is stunning, it really is. The 5th is really effective too. And the third... I like the bg colouring, not sure about the main image though. :) I think however, you could experiment that little bit more, cross those boundaries. I'm sure you'll come up with something amazing.


ponkie August 8 2007, 23:01:11 UTC
OPINION OF MAKER: Very recognizable icons in general.
1. a bit dark, could do with some more contrasting.
2. kind of blurry around the hairline, but nice use of background textures.
3. the coloring is very pretty, although too much of the icon relies on the textures.
4. nice and simple, with good color choices.
5. a bit dark, and the tiny text brush doesn't really add to the icon. but gorgeous coloring.


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