May 20, 2009 19:32
Today wound up being a more eventful day than anticipated. The package that I feared would take all day to arrive came about 10:30 this morning. With the rest of the day now free, I took a short roadtrip to an itty bitty town. It's one of those towns that's so small that I got some funny looks while I was there, because the minority population, if there is one, is miniscule. A grid of a town, where missing a turn means that you simply have to go to the next intersection and circle the block to get back on track. A town diametrically opposite from the cities and large suburbs I grew up in. All in all, an interesting trip.
I like driving. I find it relaxing. It seems I've always felt that way about it, because as an infant, my parents swear there were nights I'd wake up and wouldn't go back to sleep until they piled us all into the car and drove for a while. Funnily enough, I also get ridiculously motion sick, but I'm not bothered by that if I'm driving. A wheel in my hands and four on the road.* A smooth highway ahead of me and some good music on the stereo, of course. Someday, when I have the time and the money, a cross-country roadtrip will be in order, either by myself or with one other person.
Days like this are good for me. So often, my professional life and my personal life blur together and I can't figure out where one ends and the other begins. I've gotten better about keeping a clearer division between the two since Indiana. Bad burnout is always a good way to force a person to reprioritize. My biggest problem has always been that I work too much. In some ways, work is a kind of defense mechanism for me, but it can also be overdone. I'm slowly learning to balance my life out.