Oct 05, 2005 09:58
haha wow... so guys, it has been forever. I've been so busy. But since I'm at work right now I thought I would update. Work is the most boring part of my week, I'm not going to lie... I sit here in the office at a desk. Some days the phone might ring, once. Occasionally someone will stop in the office, but usually it turns out that they're looking for the guy in the office next door. So what it comes down to is this: I get paid to sit here and do my homework. How awesome is that?! Anyway... college is AMAZING! I absolutely LOVE it here! I've met a lot of really great people. My classes are good--a lot of work though. I swear, homework is ruining my college experience. I mean wait, that's the point of college I guess. I have two big exams this week--chemistry and calculus (I should be studying right now but once again I'm procrastinating...what else is new). This weekend is homecoming weekend. Except our football is horrible and not very exciting to watch. Then next week, well Thurs/Fri + the weekend is fall break. And I'm coming home! I wasn't sure if I was going to end up finding a way home but I'm getting a ride to Boston then taking a bus?train?having someone pick me up? It will be nice to be home for a couple days, see my family & everything. I'm not gonna lie... I'm most looking forward to eating some REAL food and taking a REAL shower (it's going to feel so spacious! and I won't have to wear shower shoes!...amazing). I live in the shitty dorm but overall it's not too bad I guess. We have fire drills weekly. (the worst was the morning that we had one at 5:15am, so then I went back to bed and was almost asleep only to have it go off again at 5:45--can't wait till that happens in the middle of winter & we all freeze). People like to run down the halls at 3:00am on random Tuesday nights (I mean Fri/Sat that's expected but Tuesday?) and wake me up. The rooms are small, but we have enough space. My roommate is awesome & we get along great. We hang out with the same people and have OC marathons in our room until 3:00am. I have decided that I need to start sleeping more though. Staying up until 2 on weeknights & 4 on weekends just isn't going to work for much longer...
well... I dont know what else I can tell you guys. I'll try to update more often.
PS. mail is always cool! and emails!
of course I don't know my address...
but email: ap233945@muhlenberg.edu