i love volleyball. I'm getting better at it, even though I really don't have a volleyball player's body. I have more of a ping pong player's bod. you know who has a volleyball player's body? Ian Normand.Even though he is not that great, he is getting better, prolly because he has the bod. My volleyball team is awesome. we beat bill gray's team!!
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You know, I bet you could make a little man out of ping pong balls. One for the head (of course!) one for the stomach, two for the arms (because he would have to be relatively buff) and three for the legs. I guess you could just draw his face on with a sharpie...but, I think you would definitely have to tattoo the words BOD on the back of his head. And he wouldn't have hair. Because. Having hair would slow down his ping pong skills. So he would be bald. Bald and tatooed. But he'd have to be careful. Because he couldn't just play regular ping pong. OH NO! It would have to be mini-ping pong. You know, like mini golf. Only much more "mini". (After all, he's made of ping pong balls.)
Oh wouldn't that be fun! Mini ping pong!! With mini paddles and a mini table with a mini net! But, it still wouldn't be fun for all the left handed people in the world. I must hold to my position that righties will always have the upper hand when it comes to ping pong. (And bowling for that matter.) No amount of coaching can compensate for that, my friends. I have tried and failed.
BUT! Do you ever play croquet? Well, I would have you all beat!!!
But hey, if you call those little peg games at cracker barrel a "sport" then maybe there's still hope for me.
That is all.
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