Apr 18, 2007 13:00
I was getting drunk last night and was just in one of my contemplative moods.. Yeah, I was pretty fucking drunk. But for some reason now, I feel compelled to express this gratitude...
To the girl who started it all from halfway around the world, and got me busted halfway out of town for trying to get halfway across the country.
To the girl who's still waiting in a winter wonderland.
To the guys who're still lined up next up to me after all these years, I can't thank any of you enough together or apart.
To the man who helped me preserve a piece of me uncorrupted, then left me for the snow.
To the girl who wasted a whole summer chatting with me and is still one of the raddest people I've ever met.
To the boy who wasted a whole summer chatting with me, I hope you're still rad too.
To the girl I'll never stop apologizing to, even if we're never friends again.
To the girls who helped me grip myself and wrestle it back under control, and who keep it that way now.
To my first love, i'll never forget you.
To the only place I've ever really felt at home, and to it's increasingly distant memory.
To the girl who reminded me that love should be fun.
To her best friend, who became one of mine.
To my dream girl, who I'm still chasing in my mind.
To the girl who could've killed me, I wish you hadn't left before I got a chance to tell you.
To the goddess who's beauty could never be summed up in a drunken toast or any other words humans will ever utter, though not for lack of trying.
To my sister, who I'll always love, despite anything.
To my parents for being my friends after all these years.
To my extra parents for setting the example for the rest of the world.
To all the musicians who have added their life to music's, and mine subsequently.
To all the people I can't thank here, hopefully I will learn more of your beauty.
To all the people I haven't met yet, how do you get up in the morning?
And to my last love, my greatest love, my best friend, I can say nothing that you don't already know, but I can wish you, and everyone else, happiness in everything you do. I hope that I can provide it like you all have me.
Woo. Sap fest 2007. I suppose it's just the things I think are understood and never say. And on that note, I'm gonna go find an AA meeting. be easy.