Fuck the orthodontist.

Jan 05, 2005 20:26

For the record, fuck you.

So I'm sitting at school today, minding my own goddamned business, when this Vizzerdrix pops up outta nowhere and is like, "Hey, hippie, I'm gonna kill you." And I was like "Bitch." and then I ripped it's fucking head off and there was blood and shit everywhere. It was awesome.

Actually that didn't happen. I made it up to be funny.

Now how many of you took that seriously? Think about that real hard before you answer that question, dickheads.

Now read the rest of my LiveJournal.

See any similarities?

Sure, it's not about me maiming fictional beasts with total awesomeness, but it is angsty and exaggerated.

So how many of you take the rest of my LiveJournal seriously?

First of all, if you took the paragraph about me killing a Vizzerdrix seriously, shoot yourself in the face and save me the trouble. If you take the rest of it seriously, take a fucking frying pan to your face. Go ahead and make it scalding while you're at it, if it's not too much fucking trouble for your starving mind.

Seriously, man, who the hell would honestly take this shit seriously? I want you read something. Go to my LJ info. Read the little section that says Bio. See the Disclaimer? Yeah, let that soak in for a sec. Feel like a jackass yet?


Well then scroll down a little bit. To the entry entitled "Fuck the DEA. (Some days are just too good to not write about)". Notice that there I call myself a "Maddox inspired loser". Now think about Maddox. Maddox runs a SATIRE WEBSITE, where he writes extremely exaggerated, egotistical, angry pieces about all kinds of things from major issues to trival points of his life.

Now think about that. If I'm Maddox inspired, what does that mean? Give up? It means that I'm writing extremely exaggerated, egotistical, angry pieces about all kinds of things from major issues to trivial points of my life. Asshat.

So again I say, fuck you. If you take this shit seriously, you deserve to be offended.

Now on to a much more pressing issue: I fucking hate orthodontists.

What, couldn't get a real medical license so you had to fuck with people's teeth for a living?

Seriously, when I had braces, my orthodontist didn't do shit. He'd walk around making appointments, mming at people's teeth, and taking pictures with people who just got their braces off. Every once in a while, he'd bark out an order. Then all these middle aged women would do the work. And when I say work, I mean cram nauseating clay down my throat and glue metal to my teeth. All the while bitching about their mediocre lives. Guess what? Want a good life? DON'T WORK FOR A FUCKING HACK LIKE AN ORTHODONTIST.

And the worst part about the orthodontist was they always played fucking Disney movies on about a dozen and a half screens. ALL. DAMN. DAY.

My teeth are in agonizing pain, I've had my mouth open for about an hour, I've had to listen to these egg sacs with mouths babble about their boring lives, and I can think of about a million things I'd rather be doing right now, like masturbating or dipping my head in hot oil. Why must you compound that with this garbage?

Seriously, what kind of jackass watches Disney for anything other than a good trip? Apparently, orthodontists do! Jesus.

What kind of a movie is 101 Dalmations? Any of them, for fuck's sakes. Nobody cares about the damn dogs, their hippie owners, or that yuppie bitch and her mob rejects. Ooo, dogs. Ooo, greedy bitch. Ooo, talking dogs. Can you say "Two more hits, please"? Man, if I wanted to watch a greedy bitch try to steal from sentimental assholes, I'd go next door. Or across the street. Or downtown. Or hey, any fucking where in the city.

And what the hell is up with 102 Dalmations? Hey, they called it 101 Dalmations because there were 101 of them, moron. Don't call it 102 because it's the next number in the sequence. If you're not gonna put a new Dalmation in the mix, suck it up and call it 101 Dalmations 2. Dipshit.

Now fuck you, I've more important things to do.

- - Dedicated to William, for his hatred of orthodontists and pretty much everything else - -

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