Jun 03, 2008 20:31
oajaky so, naeseter
--ohdf fuicvk thid xcan;t typoer witujh bropikern finhyrtjs
[Voice Post Recording:]
Awesome job breaking all my fingers man, seriously. Oh, no wait! You missed one, left pinky's just fine. But yeah, not exactly brilliant for typin', if ya catch my drift.
Aaagh. What was I gonna say. Oh, right. We have a fucking deal now, okay? You touch one, ONE fuckin' hair--
[sounds of a coughing]
--one fuckin' hair on that girl's head and so help me fucking GOD--
[more coughing, something splattering onto the floor, then pained breathing]
--you're gonna have the army of Hell after you, I promise. I'd like to remind you I made it easy, didn't fight back at all. So you ain't seen me pissed, man.
As for everyone else, leave it. Deal's a deal. He kicked the shit outta me, and in return he's gonna leave Chloe the fuck alone. That's that. Everything's just fuckin' awesomesauce.
[end of recording]