Personality, Abilities, and Physical Appearance

Jul 11, 2011 13:01

Touya is an intelligent young traveler with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to see the world and learn as much as he can in his life. Quiet and softspoken but not necessarily shy, he’s not outright friendly or hostile towards anyone. He would often prefer to meditate or read than spend time around others when he's not familiar with them though. This gives him an air of aloofness and sometimes makes others think him unfriendly, but he’s really just careful about who he lets get too close to him emotionally.

He’s fond of children, especially toddlers, and makes a point to play with the kids in and around his family on his visits home...though as a kid he didn't like other children. He does actively seek companionship from people he's gotten close to, which is how one will know they have.

However where something new can be learned, seen, or experienced, his curiosity can often make him much more companionable than he is normally and is his biggest the point he can be very reckless. Even though he travels a lot, he is almost constantly near a source of books when possible as a result of his love to read. He enjoys watching people go about their daily lives, and usually enjoys trying new things.

Gentle, but also quick tempered and very sensitive, he will disappear to meditate quietly or train with his staff for hours on end whenever he’s feeling emotionally strung out or drained. His temperament is generally pretty mellow, but when angered he can turn into a handful, despite his somewhat small and slim build.

He has a strong sense of himself, despite not knowing what he is, because his personality has been tempered through several lifetimes and stored in his pendant to be picked up again his next life.

In dealing with people he rarely speaks if he feels it it doesn't need to be said, stemming from the fact that when he was little he was unable to communicate through speech due to a language barrier. He's prone to purring, growling, or even hissing if the appropriate feelings are strong enough. He can sometimes lapse into a bit of a single-minded focus when it comes to doing some things, filtering out nearly anything not related to the task at hand when this happens.

He enjoys archery and playing the flute, as well as just sitting and thinking. He can often be seen sucking or chewing on the end of his ponytail while reading, thinking or observing something, a habit he never outgrew.

He has very few pet peeves, the most important being not to sneak up on him, and not to make any unexpected physical contact if he isn’t familiar with the person or persons in question(especially stuff like hugs). He has no tolerance for unwanted physical contact, especially from females who think he’s cute, and is prone to having his tail puff out because of the stress that such attention causes him...because he was often hugged or petted by complete strangers as a kid...which made him uncomfortable since he didn't understand why. However, rather than lash out, he’ll make a hasty escape from the offender. Children are the exception to this though since he’s fond of them. Aside from that his only other noteworthy ones are that he doesn’t like loud noise while he reads or meditates and he hates having his fur ruffled.

Physical Description:
Touya is small and lithe for his age, being only about 5'5" and weighing around 145 lbs. He has scruffy black hair that's almost always in a ponytail reaching between his shoulders, and odd blue eyes whose exact shade seems to change subtly with his mood. A pair of black cat ears sit on top of his head and he also has a fluffy and very flexible black tail and sharp fangs. The left ear is pierced.

He favors loose black jeans, using the fact that his tail goes through a hole in the back to hold them up in place of a belt, and loose-fitting button-up shirts of dark coloring...this is so if he needs to shift tocat form he can easily escape the clothing. A cracked and dully-glowing crystal pendant is always around his neck, and an etched silver ring sits low around his tail. Occasionally, he can be seen wearing a dark blue cap.

As a cat he is covered in short black fur, though his tail fur is longer, and roughly the size of a medium dog. His eyes are still blue, and he still wears his pendant and the tail ring.

Special Abilities/Other:
Touya can change from a cat to his catboy form and back again, But he only has a fully human form when wearing a special crystal stud in his ear. A transformation between his main two forms can be forced by a firm tug to his tail near the base, but his clothes do not change with him ever. By the same token, simply applying strong continuous pressure to that point of his tail prevents him from transforming.

His saliva can become like a temporary tranquilizer. The effect is very short lived though, lasting for only about thirty seconds after he lets go and only working through a bite which breaks the skin. This is an instinctive magic he was born with but he can control it if he has control over his instincts. Biting from unprovoked aggression or during play never work...though rarely he'll find a person who's susceptible to the effects no matter the reason behind the bite.

He keeps a magic flute made from a dragon's bone stored in his tail, though that ability comes from the flute rather than him.

Touya's spirit was formerly housed in a crystal pendant that he never removes and had to be within about fifty feet of him to keep him alive. If lost or broken he will die within seventy-two hours unless it is returned/the soul is transferred to another item he can keep on his person. The pendant also stored many of his past life experiences, which are bestowed upon him the next reincarnation. Now he wears an etched silver tail ring which serves that purpose instead, as well as being imbued with several useful minor spells which feed off his spirit.

Predictably, Touya has a somewhat increased range of sight smell and hearing than a human...but there are times when those traits are a disadvantage. He's also surprisingly strong and agile for his size, but not in an overwhelming powerful sense. Through a lot of work, he's increased the flexibility of his tail to the point that it can act as an extra limb.

He is proficient in archery and the use of his staff, though he's never had to use these skills in actual combat. He's also good at playing the flute, though he cannot read written music.

*personality, *abilities, *physical appearance

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