[upload] Gintama - OST2

Dec 04, 2007 13:37

fandom: Gintama (by Sorachi Hideaki)
type: Anime OST Album
title: Gintama OST2
# of tracks: 40
file format: mp3 (compressed in 2 rar files)
bitrate: 256kps
server: megaupload
source: mIssEnvY @ kunlun forums

xXx Gintama OST2(1-20).rar (MU)
xXx Gintama OST2(21-40).rar (MU)

please only redistribute to other sites if you properly credit mIssEnvY (ex. credit her by name and link to KunLun Forums)! asking her permission at her post is also encouraged (English should be fine too). also, do not hotlink to MY uploads or HERs, upload to your own servers please, thanks ^^

(there are some translations...and some explanations that I can remember off the top of my head...anyone care to help?? XD;)
thanks to raineyz and shiroro for their translation help~!

as pointed out by raineyz:
the artist's name for all the tracks is "anyone is fine" (そんなん誰でもいいじゃん) LOL

01. てめーら!はじめるぜぇ!
--- we're starting you bastards! (subtitle music)
02. ったくよー、今日も仕事がこねぇじゃねーか
--- damn it~, there's no work again today huh (Gintoki)
03. バカンスですかお前ら?バカんですかお前ら?
--- are you guys on vacation(bakansu)? are you guys idiots(bakan)? (Yagyuu arc?)
04. 俺たちの城 高天原
--- our city, the Heavens
05. 消せないデータもある
--- some data can't be deleted (Fuyuu arc)
06. 食べ物の好き嫌い多い人は人間の好き嫌いも多い
--- those who are picky with food are also picky with people (Yagyuu arc)
07. そんなんじゃさっちゃん 違う人の所にいっちゃうゾ
--- if you're like that, then Sacchan's gonna go to someone else you know? (from...that hospital episode)
08. 血に飢えた狂犬
--- the rabid dog thirsting for blood (Benizakura arc)
09. こっからが仕事の時間だ
--- from now on, it's time for work
10. 俺ァただ壊すだけだ…この腐った世界を
--- we just want to destroy it all...this decaying world (Benizakura arc)
11. 宇宙一バカな侍だコノヤロー!!
--- it's the universe' most idiotic samurai, konoyarou!! (Benizakura arc)
12. 自分を想ってくれる親がいて 他に何がいるよ
--- if you have parents that care for you, what else would you need? (Umibozu arc)
13. マヨネーズキッチン
--- Mayonnaise Kitchen (Hijikata, from the parody episode XD;)
14. ご飯は20回噛んでから飲み込みなさい、分かった?
--- chew your rice 20 times before you swallow, understand? (Hachirou arc)
15. あー、やっちゃったなー
--- ah, now we've done it (Makoto-chan~)
16. ぬおー!私がやるアルー!
--- nuoo! I'll do it aru! (Kagura)
17. あー!俺のジャンプ!!
--- ah! my JUMP!! (Gintoki)
18. 久々の仕事だぜぇ!
--- finally a job after a long time!
19. 満月は人を狂わせる
--- the full moon will drive people mad (Benizakura arc)
20. 嫌な予感がしやがるぜ
--- I've got a bad feeling about this
21. また面倒なことが起きてやがるな
--- another troublesome situation's risen huh
22. この世で最も大切な女性を悲しませるような真似は 私は絶対しない!
--- I will never do anything that will make the most important woman in my world sad! (Kondou)
23. 私は最後の一本になっても折れないネ
--- even if I'm the last branch I won't break off (memory loss arc)
24. 鉄を叩きながら てめーの魂を叩き上げろ
--- while striking that iron, strike your soul with it! (Benizakura arc)
25. まだまだ続くぜ!
--- we're gonna keep going! (eyecatch music)
26. かぶき町哀歌
--- Kabuki-chou sad song (Madao's version of Yorozuya Blues!?)
27. 気ィ引きしめろよ!
--- get your act together! (eyecatch music)
28. 何してんのこの人たち
--- what are these guys up to?
29. 頭を武装する必要がある
--- there is a need to equip your head too
30. 魂に刻んだ記憶は何があっても消えねえ
--- memories that are engraved into your soul won't disappear no matter what (memory loss arc)
31. 人生はベルトコンベアのように流れる
--- life flows like a belt conveyor (memory loss arc)
32. お前の大事な連中ならいるだろ お前の中に
--- your important people are there right? inside you
33. 何度も同じこと言わせんじゃねーよ
--- don't make me repeat the same thing so many times
34. 闇夜の虫は光に集う
--- insects in the dark will gather towards light (Benizakura arc)
35. ったく仕方ねぇなぁ、いくぜ!!
--- damn it, can't be helped huh, let's go!!
36. まだ割れてねーじゃねーか、しゃぼん玉
--- the bubble hasn't burst yet has it?
37. 食える時に食っとかないとね
--- gotta eat when you can
38. これはこれで良いですね
--- it's fine the way it is isn't it?
39. さぁ!こいつでシメだぜ!
--- so! this will be the wrap up! (ending music?)
40. 万事屋ブルース
--- Yorozuya Blues (insert song from memory-loss arc)

(animanga) gintama, upload: audio

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