2010.09.18 | woot! updated Ichioku's One Piece anthology scanlations, project complete!
2009.09.01 | my computer has broken for the third time this year orz all my files are fine, it's a problem with the display card, but I can't get stuff off my laptop harddrive...I can still work on pure translation on my family computer, but subbing and
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btw goodluck in your university placement exams =D
i'm going through the stress of those too! and just 28days until freedom
I'm glad my work is appreciated X3v
and thanks~! but they're actually just University midterms now (four coming up) OTZ
the 'entrance' is really just like, moving in, getting settled down in my dorm, etc. ^^;
no 'entrance exam' XD; I guess the way I wrote it was kinda misleading...I'll go fix that >3>
wah so you still have exams now ><
26 days left xD (the count down continues -.-')
what degree are you doing?
I'm majoring in Media, haven't chosen a minor yet though...maybe psychology? XD;
stupid uni entrance exams -.-'
media and psychology that'd be so interesting ^^
if i get into uni it'd be in something boring like med sci/biotec/biomed..
or thats what i've applied for so far ><
goodluck girl! <3
ttys ^^
oh don't worry, I love biology, but I don't think I'd want to work hard enough to keep up in a science major XDDDD;
I admire people who can confidently major in science/math though =D
good luck with your entrance exams~! ^^b
(haha, I should really be studying right now too =3=)
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