Randomness from the shadowy depths of the half-existent place I call my mind.

Oct 25, 2004 22:32

Good news! I started on my paper that's due tomorrow in CWP. Bad news: it's not finished yet. Well, it is, but I have no sources to cite. You see, I did it backwards. I typed up the paper, and now I'm looking for sources to put in the bibliography and works cited, and so I can stick some random parenthetical references in there somewhere. You figure that there's some semi-prominent people and research that will act to prove just about any point someone might try to make, right?

(I have saltwater taffy and it's quite good.)

Atori and I did a birthday thing with Exeter and his friend, last.. Friday I think it was. Was pretty fun, and we had good food, and of course he got to open some stuff, which is always good. (My turn Wednesday!) We also went to the "bubble tea" place, and that was especially cool. Saturday was interesting. It consisted of a very large baby shower, at my house (for a girl entirely too young to be 7 months pregnant). Too many people I didn't know, in space that I typically consider my own, or mine and my mom's. Or Bean's, I suppose. In the evening was a sort of half-blind-ish double date-ish outing type thing. There was pool, food, bowling, playing poker with sugar packets, and discussions related to fuzzy posters. Lol! It was fun. I'll resist a lot of commentary on it though, I think. Except I will say it was interesting to see my friend seem to take a liking to someone. I've never seen that before. At first, it was unsettling, I'm not sure why but, well, it's simply my nature in some situations. But I got over it pretty quick. And then it hit me that I'd been really selfish in my thinking, and I realized that she needed this more than I did. She just didn't know it, and certainly wouldn't have admitted it had it been brought up. Then I felt guilty, and I had to talk myself out of my mood, because it was stupid and selfish and petty. Then I realized I just needed to be more humble about my life and quit thinking I need a whole bunch of things and that the world just isn't cooperating to my preferences. I.e. It's time for me to stop complaining! Sigh.. end of topic.

Uh.. well I was gonna write on more stuff but I don't really feel like it now, and I have to go find those sources for my paper before I go to bed. So, goodnight!


Indeed, the sky is falling.
But it provides for me a rather interesting perspective.
And, seeing as how the sky isn't weighty matter,
I can lie and look upward contently as it nears.
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