I need what u have. I needa woman. Someone who's organs I can sell 2 Black Sabbath...make me some $$

Jan 30, 2005 23:08

Well it's official. I'm moving in with Sam. I didn't think I'd be able to afford it for a while, not until I got another job, but his parents RULE. They WANT me to move in and will just let me pay whatever I can until I get a second job. Rule. I like the world "rule". It rules.

I watched so much Space Ghost that I'm pretty sure my brain is bleeding.

I didn't know they had The Ramones, Michael Moore, and Jon Stewart as special guests. RULE. I still think the Bjork/Thom York one is best.

Now lets all drink till our hearts stop. And now for your OFF-TOPIC pleasures!

Shit that cracked me up this evening:

The latest craze in baby/toddler fashion.



What the fuck does WTF stand for?!

Not enough pics like this one.

And a quiz I did...had to....comic books...

You are Jesse Custer.
Jesse is as tough as they come and always willing
to prove it. He'll kick your ass for being a
jackass. Or back you up if you prove that
you're a man. An actual good guy, Jesse's word
and honor is without reproach.

What Gritty No Nonsense Comic Book Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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