Under the cut ...
1. First off prepare your base by cropping, sharpening etc.
2. Duplicate the base twice. Set the first to screen 100% and the second to soft light 100%.
3. Now apply a new curves layer (layers >> New Adjustment layer >> curves).
Ignore RBG, but set the individual red, blue and green layers accoringly:
Red: Input - 94, Output - 60
Green: Input - 32, Output - 39
Blue: Input - 41, Output - 47
4. Merge all layers.
5. Duplicate the new base, and set the new layer at soft light 40% opacity.
6. Time for another curves layer. This time ignore the Green and Blue channels.
RGB: Input - 36, Output - 39
Red: Input - 52, Output - 30
7. And you're finished! :)