When I first started out in online fandom, lurking about and trying to learn the rules, I read a myriad of posts that described lengthy, thoughtful, balanced, constructively-critical feedback as the rare but much-sought-after Holy Grail for fanfic authors--so that's what I did my best to send.
Close readings, emphasis on the positive, backing up observations with examples, occasionally offering a politely-worded suggestion or two. For the most part, they were received very graciously, although I quickly discovered that even the politest of suggestions can make even the most gracious of authors surprisingly defensive. Since I don't enjoy provoking a defensive response in other people--particularly in authors whose work I admire--and since I gradually came to realize that I was, in effect, committing a great deal of time to composing unsolicited beta commentary for people who already had betas they knew and trusted, I changed my approach.
With rare exceptions, I now send only positive feedback. For the most part, I still aim for constructive criticism in that I try to be specific about what it was that most worked for me in a story--e.g., language, structure, characterization, favourite lines or moments--although sometimes my brain won't allow me to come up with anything more than "I enjoyed this--thanks for writing!" (Also for the most part, I tend to be non-hyperbolic in my feedback. I do have my squeeing and flailing days, but in between those, I'm much more likely to say that I enjoyed or liked a fic than that it left me OMGdeadonthefloorfromguh!!!! For which restraint I heartily beg
pardon--and I do hope my f-list understands that "I enjoyed this" is a sincere compliment from me.)
This interesting post on concrit by
thepouncer, however, got me wondering whether some of the folks on my f-list might actually prefer constructive criticism that wasn't necessarily all-positive, and whether there might be some handy way of keeping track of that. After some pondering, I've decided to try an experiment. I'm thinking of setting up a "Balanced Concrit Preferred" reading filter: if you'd really, truly prefer to receive criticism that mixes a "this didn't quite work for me..." or an "I wonder whether you've considered this..." in with its positive commentary, please comment below, and I'll add you to that reading filter. (I'll link to this post from my userinfo so that if you ever change your mind and would like to be removed from the filter, just comment here again with that request.)
A few things to bear in mind if you're not sure of your decision:
1. Please, please, please don't ask to be on the filter unless you genuinely want suggestions. That will inevitably lead to hurt feelings, which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid with this experiment. Authors who ask to be on the "Balanced Concrit Preferred" filter will not be read more often, or commented on more, or thought more of, than authors who do not.
2. I won't necessarily send you any "negative" concrit, even if you're on the filter. I'm a slow reader and writer and can't get to half the stories I'd like to read and/or comment on. (And, as I said, sometimes my brain isn't up to articulating anything more than "I liked this!")
3. If I do send you "negative" concrit, it will be as useful as possible (i.e., a point to ponder for future writing rather than something which would be difficult to change in the already-posted fic in question), politely worded, and accompanied by positive comments. It will be in LJ-comment form, but feel free to screen the comment if that makes you more comfortable. If you'd like to respond with discussion of any issue raised, feel free; if not, feel free not to. Please don't feel you have to justify your choices in any way: you're the author, and ultimately these things are your decision.
4. If I send you "negative" concrit and you find you don't like it, please feel free to ask to be taken off the filter, with no hard feelings.
I'm interested to see what the response to this idea will be: I think that if other LJers were to take it up, it might offer a practical solution not only to the age-old question of Who-really-wants-constructive-criticism?, but also to the more thorny and specific question of Who-really-wants-constructive-criticism-from-me?
On the other hand, it's entirely possible I won't receive even a single "Sure, sign me up!" request...but hey, in this case, even no response is a useful response. ;-)
ETA: Whoo, responses!--and very interesting ones, too. Thanks to everyone who's asked to participate! I've set up a BCP filter and colour-coded the LJers on it so that I'll know who you are even when browsing my other reading filters.