I've been so lazy, I totally haven't posted about this yet....
Yep, we stood out at the Best Buy and got ourselves a Wii. (A big thanks to all the people there helping out with that. You guys rock!)
We have four Wiimotes now with nun chucks too, and it is quite the awesome. I've been enjoying Zelda a ton, slashy slash :D
Excite Truck is awesome with friends and we're not even competing against each other. We just take turns going through the single player cracking up at the crazy antics we do. (OMG TURBO, SUPER TRUCK SMASH LOLOZ FIVE STARS)
Monkey Ball is cool, some of the mini games are good, but others, oh man... They need some more time in the oven >_>;
Liz has been enjoying Trauma Center too.
And of course Wii Sports. Tennis and bowling are the big ones in our apartment it seems.
So anyone out there with a Wii that wants to do that crazy friend code Letter and Mii sending insanity, let me know :)