So on the morning and evening drive to and from work (mmmmm monies), I have been spending all my time listening to WBER (the only station that matters - so says their catch phrase). The cool thing is this isn't a nationally backed station with the cookie cutter 70's 80's 90's etc playlist. They're a publicly funded or privately sponsored station and they play new stuff that's coming out.
They also play indie music and local stuff from artists around Rochester and New York. So it really is a good mix of new music and cool music.
So of course now I look up their playlist on their site ( check it out, you can stream it on the web), and then go through iTunes and nab it all so I can hear it whenever. :D~
It makes me more culturally aware of the world around me :D!
Highlights include The Format (a number of songs by them are good :o My favorites are Time Bomb, She Doesn't Get it, and The Compromise), Mylo (In My Arms, mmm electronica :o ), Taking Back Sunday and Angels and Airwaves.
Half of me feels cool for finally getting new music and the other half feels like I'm an emo teenager :o
Oh god I'm turning into Karinka :D;;;
(just kidding!! Don't keel meee ;o; )