
Dec 02, 2006 17:40

Welcome to my library. Well, it will be a library, once I've completed its construction. It may take a long, long, long time for that to come about. But, in the mean time, just sit back and enjoy the fiction.

I might put other things in here as well as the stories - maybe some rants or quiz results that I find amusing, or some other random kinds of things. Then again, I might not, so don't hold your breath.

As a general sort of warning, while I haven't quite gotten the art of smut-writing fully down pat yet, I do write a heck of a lot of slash when the inspiration strikes, so if you don't like that sort of thing, then maybe this archive isn't for you. That said, I don't mind constructive criticism, but outright flames can go straight on the fire, since we desperately need the extra heating.

I've decided to edit this post to get a few things straight, mainly for myself.

For when I get onto the slightly lengthier stuff, this is my way of thinking. As a guideline:
Word Count-wise: 0.................obviously nothing.


Ratingwise: G............general - no sex, no violence, no language.
                       PG.........very mild warnings, as in lots of kissing or some swearing, allegory of violence.
                       R............general warnings - sexual references but not much explicit detail, violence but nothing too horrific. 
                       NC-17...very explicit, lots of gory detail and I mean that in both ways.

Sorry, I just wanted to get that sorted out for myself.

Disclaimer can be found in my profile, as can the explanation of how this journal was born. I don't think there's anything else I have to mention right now, so I'll leave you to it. Enjoy!

warnings, introduction

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