Title: The Five Lives Yuki Eiri Never Lived
Part 03: The Drunkard
5_nevers Fandom: Gravitation
Rating: PG
Word Count: 526
Warnings: Mild shounen-ai
Spoilers: Episode 05 - really really vague ones!
Summary: Sometimes even complete strangers can become the best of friends...
Extra Notes: This one's my favourite! Drunk-and-confused!Eiri is my baby.
“Well, we were the only two single people there so I thought I might as well ask her out for dinner or something, y’know? Just to pass the time like…”
Shindou Shuichi huffed a sigh as the weirdo continued to lean on his shoulder like he was some kind of oversized teddy bear. Ugh? How glamorous.
“You know, being engaged doesn’t exactly constitute being single.”
Unfocused eyes peered up at him through the thick mane of hair and blinked. “But it’s not like we’re married yet…”
He sighed again and shifted to ease the drunken pressure on his shoulder. “Makes no difference whether you’re married or not; you’re engaged - promised to this person. It’s wrong to be with someone else when you’re bound to someone like that. I bet she was up all night worrying about you.”
The comment took a while to sink in, but once it got there, the man began to pout quite dangerously.
“Don’t care.” Shuichi rolled his eyes and absently wondered how long it would be until the last train.
“You don’t care about the woman you’re going to marry? That’s despicable.”
“S’not. I dun’ even want to marry her. Not my-“The sentence was punctuated by a loud yawn and the blond head turned to nuzzle Shuichi’s collarbone as he mumbled “choice” into his scarf.
“Even so, that’s no reason to betray her,” said Shuichi, though inwardly he was more than a little surprised that the man beside him was part of an arranged marriage. He’d always thought that arranged marriages were reserved for the rich. Although, he thought, wrinkling his nose, the amount of alcohol that his new friend had consumed must have cost a pretty penny.
The announcement for the last train rang through and made Shuichi jump, jostling the blond man on his shoulder. He heaved a weary sigh; he wasn’t uncaring enough to just leave the guy alone in the station.
He carefully guided the man onto the train and manoeuvred the two of them into a seat. The car was practically empty save for an old woman, a man with a fluorescent yellow jacket tucked under his arm and a schoolgirl that looked far too young to be wearing that much eyeliner. She stared sullenly at both of them from beneath heavily-made up eyelids and Shuichi frowned back as disapprovingly as he could with a very attractive, very drunk and very heavy blond man draped over him.
* * *
The door really couldn’t take much more of this, Shuichi mused as he kicked it wide open and staggered through it into his flat, depositing his ungainly load on the sofa. Flopping back into the soft cushions, Shuichi sighed wearily and half-turned to regard his temporary houseguest.
“What’s your name?”
“Eiri,” he murmured absently, closing his tired eyes; so sleepy, “I’m Shuichi.”
“Shuichi?” was mumbled back. “S’pretty.”
The half-formed giggle that the remark caused died in his throat as big hands cupped his face and a sloppy, drunken kiss was bestowed on his lips. Then the man passed out, and Shuichi was left, disoriented and very much awake, to calm his racing heart.