racks on racks on racks

Oct 09, 2011 20:35

I've been more of a social butterfly these days which is a nice change from my usual hermit tendencies. I have been making more of an effort to reunite with old friends and it's been a lot of fun playing catch up. I swear, catching up over drinks makes me feel old. These last two weeks have been full of catch up sessions with various friends. Vixs & I finally reunited with Michelle after not seeing her since 2008. Not surprisingly, we picked up right where we left off and the laughs have been nonstop.

I spent the majority of yesterday in San Francisco. My friends, Wynene and Amanda, organized a "Day of The Dead" themed shoot starring yours truly. It was for their respective portfolios; Wynene is a photographer and Amanda does hair and makeup. The spot we shot at was incredible - a former meatpacking building that one of their friend's ended up purchasing. She transformed the building into her own art space. I absolutely fell in love with the place. The most amazing part was hanging out on the roof top garden and seeing the Blue Angels fly above us. Gotta love Fleet Week.

After the shoot, I went home only to head back to the city later that evening for Justine's birthday shindig at Sip Bar. I haven't gone out with Stroe in a long time but last night was a reminder that when we drink together, we get absolutely crazy. I ended up having a lot of fun minus the part where I began mercilessly drunk dialing and drunk texting various individuals. If you fell victim to this, I apologize.

I'm thankful Stroe's friends were with us because they were so nice. They drove my car and let us crash on their couch. We left the bar by 1:30 to pick up my car and then we went to some diner called Lucky Penny where I promptly laid my head on the table and fell asleep. I didn't even eat the food I ordered because I felt so nauseous but I do remember Crystal asking to eat my "crispies" - haha! Stroe's friend, Cherise, let us crash on her couch and about 4 hours later, we were up and had to walk of shame out of there. We were both still a bit drunk. What a night.

I'm so exhausted.

life or something like it

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