Dec 13, 2009 16:19
Progress update!
I've been sick, so I haven't completed anything in a long time. My apologies for that. I have several fics in progress though, and one new project I'm starting.
I'm working on a fic that combines several prompts, an epic Star Trek/Bandom crossover centering on the USS Starship Cobra. That will be fun. Also, I'm planning a How I Met Your Mother crossover in which Barney Stinson tries to seduce Spencer Smith. The body switching fic is still in progress, as is the viking fic.
Also in progress is a Tom Conrad/Spencer Smith christmas fic for a fic exchange I'm doing with a friend.
As for the project, I'm planning a series of short, fluffy little christmas fics, ideally with rare pairings. I am open to suggestions on this front. The only ones I have planned for sure are Gerard/Patrick and Gabe/Patrick
If anyone else wants to do a christmas fic exchange, let me know! I love christmas, and christmas themed fic. <3