I visited the sign language interpreter, Melanie, yesterday to see if her cats would tolerate me (yes!) and awww, they're so cute - they're purebred Chartreux, and oh my god, their fur is so fluffy and thick - nothing at all like Mira's fur, it's so plushy!
Jaimee on the left, Muffin on the right - they're sisters, Jaimee was the oldest and Muffin the runt.
And here's a good close-up of Muffin:
The eyes. The eyes. *adores*
But here's the one true love of my life, Mira:
Being a diva and ignoring me, as always. *g*
She gets on better with Zora, Rita's new cat, and even slinks into Rita's house and tries Zora's food. *snickers* She never did that when Simba was alive, even ceded the whole garden to him because he was very territorial. But Zora seems rather indifferent to Mira trampling all over the garden; she prefers to explore the wider area (and get spoiled by the neighbors). Unfortunately I don't have a pic of Zora, who's also a very pretty cat, but these look a bit like her:
... yes, now you know why she's called
Zora. *snorts*
Other than that, life's good - I saw assorted family & friends last weekend, ooh-ed over the best friend's new baby who eyed me very curiously, entertained the nieceling (who was very fierce and all), hugged sister dearest a lot and had a nice dinner with the neighbors at Rita's, on Saturday evening there was also a board/card-game evening (Spieleabend) with friends, unfortunately two hobbits couldn't be there, but the other friends were also very nice and we played until 2.30 a.m. - who knew that Bohnanza could be that addictive? *laughs* Also, Jenny is the nicest, cutest, politest and funniest pirate ever. Probably on par with Betti's very gay King Arthur. *snickers*
Then I slept over at Claudia's with her very snuggleable dog, and got sunburned at the open-air mass/service/thingy (she's member of a Freikirchlichen Evangelischen Gemeinde, so, uh... *looks it up* ... kind of a free/non-denominational/Baptist church? At least more 'righteous' than your usual Protestant church, that is), where there were sign language interpreters. Yay! I chatted a bit with another member of the deaf Christian group from Bonn (there are several deaf Christian groups scattered all over Germany, but they're all also freikirchlich-evangelisch, and rather... fundamentalist, so not to my taste at all), and we had a nice chat about what it means to be Christian (her: "Everyone's sinning, so who am I to judge anyone? That's not what Christ wanted, his one order was to love." - props to her), but when she scoffed that man can't be descended from apes, I decided just to nod along. Science, woman! *shakes her head* Anyway, then I visited Bettina for a bit and drooled at her new awesome flat until it was time for me to board the train back to Hamburg.
For zee Germans on my flist who are living somewhere along the Hamburg-Köln line: try out the HKX (Hamburg-Köln-Express). If you're in luck (like I was), you might snatch a ticket for Köln - Hamburg at the incredible price of 20€. Yessss! I mean, even with BahnCard 50, I pay at least 40€ for that distance, so: yay! A drawback (or it might be very retro, whatever): they're renting out the old DB trains whose compartments look like
this, they just reupholstered the seats...
nostalgia! And yes, the seats are just as uncomfortable as they were in the 80ies...
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