Mar 08, 2005 20:08
i think every entry ive ever started it starts out like this "man i havent updated in awhile" but this time that's for real. i think i forgot the internet existed for about two months. i think i forgot i was alive for awhile...partly cause i didnt want to truly admit that there were merely days left in my senior year...its actually kind of a scary thought i suppose. i mean im sure there are some of you old college folk that are like man i remember how that was but really its scary. you live in one house your whole life and go to school with the same kids from pre-k to twelfth and then all of a sudden they tell you to pick a school to pay thousands of dollars to where you can get a good edumakashun and then leave your lovely home and start a new life using all that knowledge they packed into your skull the last 18 years. doesnt make too much sense to me, which is why ive been trying to run away from my life...well im coming out of hiding folks. the new, improved, better than ever nina here back at your convenience. or something cheesy like that
some days it really does feel like no one is around though. i hate those kinds of days. where you literally feel like you could run around with your head on fire and poles sticking out of your body and no one will stop to ask what's wrong. even the ones you think will just pass by. maybe thats my lesson for the day. to try and pay attention to those that i think dont need it. really tough stuff to learn.
i think this is possibly my longest entry ever. maybe ill stop