Rants, feminism, etc.

Nov 15, 2008 18:36

Feminism has come a long, long way.
But it has so far to go, and it makes me sad for my generation of women.

I truly hope that I am able to teach my children that they are, regardless of gender, equal in value and choice to everyone else.
We think we've come so far, right? The fact that I know and believe this is proof that we have. But I think that we've spent so much time and energy teaching out daughters to be strong and equal that we've left out a vital idea: respect for yourself.
Feminism has basically shot herself in the foot.
While striving for equality, and sometimes reaching farther, to be "better" than men, we've forgotten to understand ourselves and our abilities as women. Just tonight I have read enough to make me sad for our lack of education. Women have been taught by a male ruled society to not trust their bodies in any sense. Doctors tell a woman she cannot give birth without assistance, usually in the form of drugs, drugs, drugs and surgery. And then she is told, when her milk doesn't come in for a week because of her possibly unnecessary (but convenient for the doctor!) c-section, that she must not be able to breastfeed and here, take this formula for your baby! It not only costs 100% more than your breastmilk, but it's also lacking in many benefits. But your body doesn't work!
Excuse me?
Along come the feminists to protest, right?
Wrong! Along come the "feminists" to decry the grossness of giving birth. Along they come to tell me that having children is in effect giving in to this male-ruled society and abortion is the way to go.
In fact, abortion is just like birth control! Who needs condoms or pills when I can just have my uterus scraped clean?

I don't mean to be overly dramatic, and I know not everyone thinks like this. But I have come across these attitudes so often that I couldn't sit back and sigh anymore.
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