В статье BBC называется "военный комендант Краматорска Вадим Иловайский. Он называет себя казаком, по видимости прибыл из Крыма, в прошлом PR-консультант , по его собственным словам
Vadim Ilovaisky says he has progressed from PR consultant to military commandant
He introduced himself as the town's new 'Military Commandant'.
He was sitting in army fatigues in the office of the deputy mayor, poring over maps of the region (the deputy mayor, he informed me, was on sick leave). The Military Commandant pointed out the aquarium in the corner and assured me that he was taking good care of the deputy mayor's fish.
I asked Vadim where he was from.
'I'm a Cossack," he told me, "my grandfather and great-grandfather were from Stavropol region (in southern Russia)."
"In civilian life, I'm a PR consultant. But as a Cossack commander I took part in the Crimea campaign. I'm a citizen of Ukraine."
When asked where he lives now, he was evasive: "My home," he replied, "is the building I'm sitting in."