Nina is uncharacteristically grumbly today so feel free to ignore!
Out of the door at eight in the morning (which on a Sunday is just so wrong!) to make the long trek through the icy snow and pitch blackness for two miles to the next village to get to work... but I love walking, don't get me wrong, that wasn't the bad part. It just didn't improve my temper for the rest of the day. XDD
Then five hours of serving rich people and blah... oooh and by the way we have our new Christmas CDs in. Hearing "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day" about seven times in a row makes me really, really glad that it isn't Christmas every day. I think the worst part was the one that goes "On the first day of Christmas..." etc, etc. Most repetitive song ever! Work Dudes: this is even worse than when you thought it'd be a great idea to play ABBA 24/7! Or Michael Bublé... x_x
Then the trek home once work is over with to find that the house is empty aside from my little brother, AKA The Littlest Blues, who is expecting me to cook lunch. Wot ho, parenting fail! Dad, in the pub at 2.30pm? Whether an old friend's in town or not, that's a new record. And Mum... couldn't Christmas shopping have waited until after you fed your youngest born child?
To be fair to them, there are three sisters in between me and the Littlest Blues who were probably meant to be cooking but oh no, all three of them are out with their boyfriends. Cheers, guys. Man, I love my family, and me and my sisters have stayed up 'til 1am before just discussing life and suchlike, but seriously! Sometimes I want to shake them until they rattle. XDD Being the eldest sister is poooo.
Speaking of boyfriends, I got home to find this text from my own: "You can come over". Oh, thank you, George, you generous generous soul! I am so grateful for your wonderful offer for me to walk back out into the slushy freezingness and pay £5 to get a bus on the icy roads to your scary-ass mansion and put up with your irritating posh parents, ignoring the coursework that I have due in tomorrow! My cup runneth over!
I replied saying, "Can't you come here?" and he replied to that with: "No, see you soon." Excuse me while I smash my head into the nearest wall. OK, he's a good boy and maybe I shouldn't have been so annoyed about it since he doesn't know about Nina's Bad Day but, well, never mind. What's done is done, lol.
Oh maaan! I wish I was rich! Then I wouldn't have to go to work and be patronised by people and I could, I dunno, hire a chef to cook for me. Sure hope that toast was appetising enough for my brother, hahahahaha... gah, I'm a fail of an older sister. Anyway, onwards with my teetering pile of work for college. Because days like this make me know that I have to get into university or else I will die.
Anyway, I'm going to cheer myself up by procrastinating wildly and working towards the ending of my NaNo. Toodle pip!
lmao, my mum just called me asking to check the weight of the chicken in the back of my dad's car. Yeah, we use his car as a freezer in the winter... and I had to call her back on one of those wind-up circular dial phones because our other one broke and it took FOREVER... good heavens our house is like a post-apocalyptic wasteland.