london adventure

Jan 05, 2011 22:59

Most of you probably know that I am a total London nerd. In my writing, whenever London is involved, it's one of the few things I write with as much accuracy as possible (and man, some of the time-travel discrepancies I have in Timeless is... well, it hardly bears thinking about!). Today I was so glad to go to London, and more than that, all by myself.

I felt like such a grown-up, getting the train by myself and then using the tube and going around our lovely capital city. Laughing at all the tourists with their maps. I don't need a map! Well, OK, I led myself down a couple of dead-end roads but still. I never actually got a map out, just sheepishly retreated the way I'd just come from.

Riding on the underground is so awesome because once you get it, it's so simple. And it's not that hard to get-- if I can figure it out, I promise it can't be that hard. XD I'm really hoping to go to university in London next HOLY CRAP THIS YEAR, and all of my applications bar one were to universities in and around London. Why? Because I fracking love it there.

Highlight of the day: there was a guy on Euston Road performing that "friends, Romans, countrymen" speech entirely in cockney rhyming slang. Needless to say, I pretty much died laughing. Alas, I cannot remember all of it, but it began like this:

Mates, cockers, me ol' china-- lend me yer britneys!

There is not enough WIN in the world. Seriously now. I was so impressed that I (along with a slew of other spectators with nothing better to do) went forwards to shake him by the hand. Good on you, whatever the hell your purpose was! There were several mini-highlights, like the new Evolving English exhibition in the British Library (that's the reason I went) and riding back and forth on the tube for no nerdy reason than the fact it was so fun.

Yes, I'm sad.

What a great but exhausting day!

See you all in the morrow, me ol' china! Gertcha!

university, adventure, journal, joy, oddness

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