can't help but love christmas

Dec 26, 2010 15:52

Well, I had one Christmas present and I don't know where my parents got the money for it but it's a new laptop. I know. I feel bad but they said that they wanted me to have a new one mainly because my old one was crapping out but also because they know how much I write and love to write. And coursework, etc. My sisters and brother each got me something nice and my friends got me some truly wonderful gifts!

I really enjoyed Christmas Day. We all stayed in the house all day and chattered and played silly games, etcetera. Being a family of seven, obviously there's almost always stuff going on, and it was great to just be together. And for some reason I loved looking out of the window and seeing no cars on the roads.

On Christmas Eve I went down the local with some friends and it made me realise how much I'm going to miss them when I leave home. One of them picked Total Eclipse of the Heart to play on the jukebox and while we were all bobbing along together and wailing "AND I NEED YOU NOW TONAAAIIGHT... AND I NEED YOU MORE THAN EVER!" I realised that even though I'm sure I'll make some cool friends when I leave home, it'll never be quite the same again. My two bestest friends I've been inseperable from since I was eleven and started secondary school. It was almost surreal to be sat in the pub with them like real adults.

Total Eclipse of the Heart is possibly the best song ever to stick on at the pub. I caught several other people singing along. FOREVER'S GONNA START TONIGHT, FOREVER'S GONNA START TONIGHT!

Hope your Christmases and other winter holidays were all fantastic! I had to work today (Boxing Day? Work? Oh maaan) but I don't mind because overall, this has been a great few days and I know I spend a lot of my time complaining about my uber-insane family but, at the risk of sounding like a gushing fangirl, for a few days of every year I can really appreciate what fascinating, witty and generally fun people they are. GROUP HUG.

So... happy holidays!

friends, snow, family, journal, joy

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