mole legs

Dec 03, 2010 10:56

I'm not even a troublemaker, it's just well-known fact that my biology teacher picks on me. It's not like I'm particularly loud or misbehaved or anything! Anyway, my it's-snowing-and-I'm-in-college mindframe led to this delightful conversation the othe day. We are studying classification.

Him: Sooo, Nina, why would you classify a mole as an animal?
Me: *wakes up* Eh?
Him: How would you know a mole is an animal?
Me: o__o It's... a mole.
Him: Why are moles classified as animals? HUH HUH?
Me: Because it's a mole?
Him: *evil stare* Have you been listening?
Me: *has been looking at fishtank for whole lesson* Yes?
Him: The first person to discover a mole, how would they know it was an animal?
Me: Well I doubt they were wondering whether it was a plant or a single-celled prokaryote, sir. Or a fungus. *for no reason starts giggling and honking like a demented goose*
Me: Awwwww nuts.

The answer was that moles have legs/mode of transport. LEGS! WHAT THE-

Anyway, it makes me laugh thinking back on it, but I am still going to fail biology. XD

By the way, he didn't actually say "ten points from Griffindor". He's not that cool.

Oh and also I got another university offer, this time from Kent University, for grades ABB! Which is attainable as long as I don't totally tank in biology!

Ah well, never mind.

Why moles, anyway? Is it 'cause he has a big one on his face, huh, huh?

university, journal, oddness

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