Jun 01, 2006 18:19
why is it that some people just can't seem to grow up? although they are older than you they still play games like 13 year olds. When did it become ok to make fun of others without their permission? theres a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that says: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I just wish it was all that easy...
Why did i push myself so hard in high school and now I have nothing to show for it. I enjoyed the time I had, made an impact on who I am and the kind of person I will aspire to become but why do i feel like im starting all over again. I have these new tools ive gained but cant seem to find a way to make them work.
The thing still impressing in my mind is how long does it take for people to wake up and realize that we in fact are not in high school anymore?
I can't wait till our 10 year reunion...i think the satisfaction im looking for will be right there.