Mar 10, 2006 11:33
So my spring break starts at 4:30 today because I have to work... but im excited because i'm going to visit brendan in Calirfornia again! I know everyone is going home to miami and I kinda feel left out, but I know that once i'm in California I wont care.
I go home sooo much this semster (b/c of misc things for my sister's wedding and me being the maid of honor) so I don't feel bad about not seeing my parents this entire break. Maybe I should have gone home today and leave for California on monday, but then i'd have to fly
back into miami and pick up my car and drive back to orlando... so I guess its ok?
All I know is that soooooooooooooooooo much drama has been going on with friends, school, teachers, housing, UF, etc... I just cannot wait to relax!