(no subject)

May 15, 2005 11:03

Did you even remember that I had a livejournal?

It's been so long since I've updated, mostly because things are the same every day. I started working at Eastbay, but I quit after three days. I'm just going to make a list of things that have happened - sentences take too much energy.

+ Two months today. What else can I type about this except :-)?
+ New almost-white hair. It took a bit to get used to, but now it's really grown on me. It took six fucking hours though, apparently red is the hardest color to get out. Poor Jake sat there with me the entire time. Aw.
+ My room is pretty clean.
- - - - - - That means I move in less than a month. Gaaah.
- I did I really nice job losing the cord for my camera, so there are no pictures to be posted.

I'm sick of lists. I want a white chocolate mocha, I haven't had one in so long - probably because of lack of Niki.

Throw me a party. I'm leaving soon.
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