
Sep 02, 2005 22:55

I dont know what my title should be, so I put that.

Okay..The whole week of school was actually fun and school feels short. I guess because we get out before the middle schools do. HA! The stereo system exploded during lunch because the man over worked it..stereo killer. I watched guys dancing during lunch and it was amusing. They were all very good and it was during the Twister competition. Tyler, Gabe, and Joey joined..I dont know who won, but I think Gabe did? I dont know.

I have hw to do and things to research. I have two projects due and thats pretty much it..I did everything else. My lab class is kinda fun sometimes, but it can be annoying also. All the guys talk the whole period and they NEVER shut up. I look around to see that no one is working..only trying to make themselves look like they are doing something with their pencil or doodle on their paper. I feel like the only one actually working and getting everything done. WTF? My old lab class was way better and that's pretty sad since Joey B, Chris D, Kevin, Josh, and everyone else was in that class.

Health is fun. I love that class since Mrs. Rees is awesome and kind. Her name is actually Mrs. Gibson because she got married, but Rees is cooler. I am wanting to get an A on that class, so the project will definitally help me. We got to do this assignment where you have to make up your "pretend" death. Everyone was really random and short, but mine was really long. Mine was about me getting murdered. I explained the whole case perfectly and did some creative things. Everyone stared at me and I guess they were wondering when I was going to finish. Yes, I love murder cases with all my heart. <3

Lyndsey, Hannah, and Megan went to my house. We went on the trampoline, took a trip to the pool, had some fun, and ate pizza. I hate pizza...I felt sick after eating that crap.

James is fun to talk to. His voice sounds so boring, but it's halarious.

.....I want a hug for some reason. *stares at Tom*
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