Doe Maar!!!

Jul 13, 2008 13:59


I went yesterday with Miekje and Clair... and it was so hilarious.. we were probably the youngest generation of voluntary visitors there XD All those people were asking us how old we were, if we weren't a bit young to be fans.. well.. a good musical education XD
It was hilarious to see everyone get into the music... and the show was just awesome!! We danced our asses off, sang along basically everything .. aaaah it was so good :D They played pretty much all the hits, and a lot of less-known songs as well... but I'm so happy that they played NEDERWIET!! Joost turned it into such a great version.. and everyone went nuts.. *also noticed that because suddenly the pot-smell was no longer subtle*

For all the non-Dutchies, Doe Maar is one of the biggest bands in the Dutch history, the first quit in 1984... they had a reunion in 2000 and now 24 years after they first called it quits they were there again =D

Here are some clips..

De Bom!

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32 Jaar (sinds 1 dag of 2)

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Belle Helene (@ Ahoy 2000)

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doe maar

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