Movie Review

Nov 20, 2006 10:29

So, this Sunday I went to see Happy Feet.  It was supposed to be this cutesy kids movie, which I was prepared for.  It is, in fact, one of the weirdest movies I've seen in a while.  Robin Williams and the hispanic penguins were really the only humor.  Most of the humor was very adult.  There were lots of songs, that after a while just got old and were pretty hokey.  Did I mention the songs were rather sexual?

Then there were the million messages they were trying to send... they needed to pick one or two and just stick with those.  Very odd environmental message.  Apparantly tapdancing will one day save Penguin-kind from overfishing?  The Hugh Jackman "Elvis" and Nicole Kidman "Marilyn Monroe" characters really began to grate on me after a while.  It was pretty clear that they were trying to capitalize on the success of March of the Penguins, which I'm cool with, but they weren't accurate with their penguin facts.

There was also the very weird combo of real life actors and CGI.  Not one character in the other world, but the two worlds co-existing side by side.  Then the U.N. gets involved.... just very weird.  I have a tendancy to like movies better the second time I see them... but I'm not sure I could sit through this one again.....
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