I'm starting to get freaked out that I'm going to end up fall behind even though I'm still a day or so ahead. O-O *Starts writing like a maniac*
This one is for
resphoina, who appears to have invented a whole new genre just for Ladd and Lua. Sadistic romantic comedy. Golden.
Character(s)/Pairing: Ladd/Lua
Genre: Sadistic romantic comedy. What.
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I have the same opinion as you on them and their relationship, and I definitely want to watch or read more about them. I'm starting to feel tempted to pay someone to translate the novels. XD But, no, I have to continue saving up for a down payment on a house... OTL
Haha, I was a little concerned that a fake gun would be cliche, but I went with it because I couldn't think of any other sadistic proposal methods. XD I guess I didn't have to worry after all. Now that I think of it, I can't even remember where I know the good ol' message-in-a-gun gimmick from. It's either from an old movie or one of the many cartoons I watched as a child. Probably both, since I was under the impression that it was cliche. XD
I'm always happy to write! Only, I'm usually so lazy I hardly ever get any writing done. XD Good thing I react well to deadlines, I guess. (lmao)
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