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Nov 09, 2014 23:08

So it turns out that walking to the grocery store on Friday was waaaaay too much. Shoulda saved that for Saturday when I had nothing to planned AND it turned out to be a beautiful, sunny, dry day that would have been perfect for a nice long walk. Instead I spent all day yesterday inside yearning after the lovely day outside but staying in, carefully timing my tylenol intake, and playing with eggs. Really itching to get started on an ostrich version of my hived bees theme but there are a lot of variables (multiple bands that i've never put next to each other, certain elements becoming much larger and more detailed) so before i sit down to 6+ days of work on one enormous ostrich egg, it seems wise to test those elements out on a smaller scale that I can work through in single day each. So yesterday and today I played with a sunflower variation and a new leaf pattern band on a chicken egg shell. Also poured through the internet and my old designs for ideas. Kept me busy but I have notice both yesterday and today that in spite of not getting out of bed before 11am, my hand was still getting shaky and unstrustworthy by 8pm...a problem i have NEVER had. No matter how tired I am, usually my hands are rock steady. Unless alchohol has been involved, then my hands are always shaky for more hours than seems reasonable.

Speaking of alchohol, went out for dinner tonight with friends and an out of town visitor and enjoyed my very first post-surgery cocktail. It was delicious! It was a very early dinner since the out of towner had an 8pm flight home and then I went home after. With untrustworthy hands I tried to plot out a couple alternate sunflower options with markers but it's just not the same as working with egg shell and dyes so I decided to save it for tomorrow right around the same time I realized that it's about an hour past when I should be drawing my evening bath and turning in for the night.

Not to worry, my FullTimePatient status is still intact, I also spent hours today pulling together a medical history to figure out when my last annual exams and routine screenings were. Turns out that in spite of having seen my PCP more than a dozen times in the last year, I don't think any of those were technically an annual exam since my last cholesterol and blood glucose screening records are from 2012. Seems like after spending the better part of a week in a hospital all routine screenings would be current...but no, I have a very extensive graph of blood pressure, o2 sats and liver function but no cholesterol or blood glucose. All in prepation for a "Healthy Foundations" meeting tomorrow that might enroll me in a plan that would eliminate copays for the rest of the year. I could use that extra money, seems like a good idea. We shall see.
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