if you've been in a cave you might not have noticed that GOS is having an awesome
sim challenge where you use the word prompts they've given to create sims. the 5 words i chose were dorian gray, crimson, wild, ghost, and zooscopy. warning you guys right now i'm not so great with the photos but i tried! :o
my vision of dorian gray is how i've always thought he would look ever since i read the book when i was a kid
he's slightly haggered and gaunt looking from all his late night debauchery
download dorian gray for crimson yes i chose the cliche vampire :p but i decided to make him a redheaded freckle faced vampire if that makes it any better? i think he's cute.
download crimson ghost was my favourite to make! i think she's adorable and she has this lost little girl look to her..
download ghost i wanted to do something odd with wild so i decided to make her wild coloured! and thus.. this purple girl was born
oh and you can't see it here but she has pointed ears as well.
download wild zooscopy was kind of hard to convey in a sim.. but when i looked up what it meant (seeing hallucinations of animals) i decided to go with someone who looks like he's on the brink of a melt down. i'll admit i did not get good photos of him but he has an adorable down turned mouth and wide eyes like he's on the edge of going mad lol.
download zooscopy