Jun 21, 2017 20:29
Anyone who knows me knows that I am an active member of bookcrossing.com. I read alot of books and don't necessarily have space to keep them all. So I add in bookcrossing BCID labels to those books I want to pass on and then either hand them off to people I think will enjoy them or leave them places for other people to pick up and read.
I'm lucky as my part of the suburb I live in and the neighboring part of Chicago has many little free libraries to drop books off in, and I do on a fairly regular basis. This is both good and bad as I tend to pick up at least one book for every three books I drop off.
I also won a RABCK sweeps (random act of book crossing kindness) with a manga and graphic novel theme at the end of 2016 and ended up with a bunch of manga and graphic novels which I have been reading over the last few months. Some have been good such as Ceres: Celestial Legend, Bleach, The Kurasagi Corpse Delivery Service, and Bitch Planet vol 1 and Monstress volume 1 of which I have plans on purchasing volume 2 of each when they come out.
I am planning a manga and graphic novel bookbox and have filled a box with 40 or so titles that I either have received from other bookcrossing members or are titles I have from various comic book bento subscription boxes that are not books I would reread or even read. The idea is this will get mailed to the people participating and they take books out and replace them and eventually I get a box back in the mail with (hopefully) new manga/graphic novels. It should be fun.
I want to try and start writing reviews of the books I read again for my neglected blog over on blogger. I may crosspost those over here as well.
My reading goal for the summer is to read down the TBR pile and get some of these books passed on or added to my keeper shelves.