Grand opening of Nimmy's, maybe?

Apr 22, 2002 01:19

Okay folks, seems like everytime I go to open the bar there is a disaster or an event. I'm thinking that tomorrow (Monday) will be the grand opening, if no one has a wedding planned, a major catatsrophe planned, etc.

The first night will be a combination of things, mostly karaoke and open mike night, but I'm also hoping some of the groups around middle earth will show up and do a set or two. (toxic oliphaunts, Ulmo in Furs, Smashing Uruk Hai, Mike Fox, whoever) We also have pool, darts, and a variety of table games (chess, checkers, poker, etc)

3 free drinks for each person, providing they can prove that they have a safe way home. (crashing at a friends house nearby or staying in the small hotel like area behind Nimmy's, or having a designated driver/drag you home person.)

We will have a juice bar for the non drinkers, a well ventilated section for smokers, and of course, the esteemed Jade will be bartending for us. (Man could I use a bloody mary right now) Darkshade will be on hand to convince you to maintain your manners if you get overly rowdy.
We are still looking for help in terms of waitresses/waiters, a juice bartender (Jade is doing double duty right now, and makes some excellent smoothies I hear!) We also need a cook and some kitchen staff, as Nimmy's does have a wide variety of munchies availabe to cater to Middle Earths diversity.

Hope you have a chance to pop in for a drink and chat for a few, or come and stay and enjoy the fun.

Hope to see you drop by!
Nimmy and godson, Merin, who has his tail wrapped around my waist and appears to be purring in his sleep. (typing one handed around a sleeping dragbit is quite a trick! But most enjoyable.
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