Entirely too funny

Apr 08, 2002 17:21

(okay, completely OOC, but still entirely too funny. So I get a call from this collection agent who isn't supposed to even be calling be because the bill has been paid a long time ago. I try to explain to him the whole thing and that he needs to speak to this person that took care of the problem, etc. etc..and he just keeps on insisting I give him the account number to my checking account. RIIIIGHT...like hell. So I finally ask him why the hell won't you listen to me and leave me alone? This is harrassment! And the guy goes off on me about my LANGUAGE, because I said HELL.

So, I get pissed and launch into him. "Look fuckwad, I fucking learned fucking English from Fucking Ulmo and Fuck Samwise School Of Fucking Language Coorespondance On Fucking LJ and you had better fucking leave me alone and fuck off or I'm going to fucking have fucking Ulmo send a fucking tidal wave all over your fucking ass!!! Do you fucking get it?"

Of course he didn't, and started in again at which point I had to banshee screech his ass into next week (I can shatter wine glasses, imagine what I can do to someone on a headset?) and hang up on him and call his supervisor, who basically told him the problem was resolved and to leave me the fuck alone. )

(it was a moment that had to be shared. These people REALLY shouldn't call me when I'm having a severe manic episode.)
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