Title: A Funny Thing Happened Between the Gryffindors and the Sytherins Part 23
Characters or Pairing: Harry/Draco,
Word Count: 310
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta,
Challenge: Off the rez again
Author's Notes: This one might have legs…
"Indian food?" Draco asked warily.
"It's brill, Draco!" Teddy cried excitedly.
"Do we have our hair color in place?" Harry asked looking sternly at Teddy.
Teddy grinned. "Yep. Ready."
Harry opened the door.
"Harry lets me get it as hot as I want." Teddy pointed to the menu above the counter.
Draco's eyebrows shot up.
"He always gets the chicken tikka masala."
"I like spicy, right Harry?" Teddy was still bouncing.
"Yes, you do. He gets it from his dad. Remus loved spicy food. His favorite ice cream at Fortescue's was jalapeno sorbet."
Draco shuttered.
"I'll order, you'll be fine. Why don't you go get a table?"
They all ate the naan bread and cucumber salad, but each horded their own korma, tikka masala and the vindaloo keeping with their preferred level of heat. When they finished Teddy requested ice cream.
"One scoop." Harry nodded. "There's a place a few doors down."
"Sprinkles?" Teddy asked.
"Sprinkles or nuts."
"Gross. In cookies they're ok, but not on ice cream." Teddy frowned.
"He has no taste at all does he?" Draco asked.
"Nope." Teddy agreed happily.
Ice cream was consumed and Teddy was returned safely to Andromeda. They flooed to Harry's.
"You did well, Potter." Draco observed. "You weren't over indulgent. You returned him in good shape. You'd be a good father."
"Yeah, I've been doing this for almost nine years. I can manage." Harry said tightly.
"I'm not mocking you. I've just never seen this side of you."
"There are plenty of sides you haven't seen yet."
"Is that an invitation?" Draco smirked.
"Who was teasing whom this morning?" Harry raised an eyebrow.
"It's not teasing if you make good on it, eventually."
"So what did you have in mind?" Harry leered.
"Your room, blindfolded…"
"And?" Harry asked breathlessly.
"If we go to your room, you'll find out." Draco grinned