May 22, 2003 07:56
Lots and lots of stuff going on all of a sudden, and most of it strange.
Friend 1) Thankfully reappeared, as I was getting worried. Calling didn't even get the voice mail. Unfortunately still very sick and still in a very bad situation.
Friend 2) Laid off (thank you Mr. Bush) and damn near facing eviction. I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to manage giving a loan, but not enjoying a lot of success. Blah.
Friend 3) Went over there last night for a gaming session and was able to hear the screaming from the street. Apparently he "just had a bad day". I told her if his day got any "worse" to give me a call and I'd come pick her up, and then left. And people wonder why I'm in favor of gun control.
Footnote here. As sort of a minor seagull dropping on this particular pile of buffalo excrement, I was in two very near misses on the way to work today. The first was when two people in pickup trucks about 10-15 feet in front of me both decided to merge into my lane (and into each other) at the same time with neither of them signalling. The second was a guy travelling probably 70+ miles an hour who came up on my ass and missed me by less than a foot.
They say you can tell when a storm is coming by watching the animals. This week, that's a chilling fucking thought.