Somehow, this amazing piece of spam made its way into my inbox proper, which is how I noticed it. I've never seen spam quite like this. The title? dentately deeded (no capitals)
Body text is below the cut.
What's up?
1) Open your browser
2) Enter
http://www.capedyinlax[JK]com3) Replace "JK" with "."
To do with our laws but to obey them. Is it not many a man's
wife is less pleasantly favoured. Had passed the passport
control of heathrow without of a woman who had been something
like a mother looked embarrassed. Sandra had been perfect.
she i asked, who is managing the estate since mrs. She went
on. 'uncle is very pleased. It keeps connected with the
stone age as a whole, we are little, and drank it. Not quickly
quite slowly. A tiled roof. It was now strangely visible
through with a remote timesharing system at another site
out the wine? Charles, the head waiter at the.