Maxim: So this is the dragon!?

Dec 21, 2008 02:35

That explanation Razzi, and anyone else who might have reviewed but FFnet isn't showing it yet, wanted... well it's here. A super summarized version of what could have been Undying.

I really wish I could continue all my stories, but honestly, it's not so much about priorities as it is about necessity. I've been exhausted since I started working and needing more sleep than I normally did. My brain is usually mush by the time I return. It's do less things or collapse from exhaustion and I've eliminated as much as I can.

My LJ friends might have noticed I rarely comment anymore. I let out some stress by posting but I cut down on the commenting time to try to make room for everything else. I also haven't updated my sited in ages in comparison to how often I used to update them. I have Final Fantasy: Crisis Core, I'm just getting started with it and it's been over a week since I even turned Reno on (goodness that sounds wrong, Reno is the name of my PSP, just so you know.)

So yeah I really tried to make room for this, no excuses really it's all true. Socializing has never been on my list so that wasn't an issue and it's still not something I do. Even so, my time disappears into the basic daily tasks and it's just awful. This isn't supposed to be a complaint but truthfully my work schedule sucks like crazy. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't need the money.

Now for the real post about what was supposed to happen in Undying. Hecc T got overconfident; he wanted to weaken both the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland. Have Sarasaland blame the Mushroom Kingdom for their problems and go to battle, with both sides weakened. Then he could present a miraculous medication (though not a cure) to the Mushroom Kingdom and force his way to power.

Peach is still kind of a mutant, she's not spitting acid everywhere, but she can and she would if she looses her temper. However, her natural defenses proved too strong after Hecc T. weakened the effects of the virus in her to make her less random, then Peach was able to gain control (this part actually happened in the story). It's still hard for Peach to deal with this since it causes her a great mental strain and if she loses her temper it can be really bad. Basically things are not truly resolved.

The mushroom people are having problems absorbing water, they're like dry plants that stay dry no matter how much you water them. That's another problem that needs to be dealt with.

I never got around to elaborate on Hecc T., he's way too overconfident and has a superiority complex, especially towards koopas, but we never got to see that in the story. His brother isn't so bad, but he lets Hecc T. make all the choice so that makes him an accomplice.

There are a bunch of concepts I had planned. There are a scene with Peach and Bowser you know how the entire Bowser being worried about hurting Peach is a classic theme in fanfics? Either he worries or she finds out he's surprisingly gentle or "soft" I believe she once said, etc. Well the concept was to turn it around and have Peach be the one worrying since we already know she did injure Bowser on accident when she was having one of her worse viral attacks.

Later into the story this was supposed to become a sort of zombie type thing with the mushroom people all dried up but still somewhat alive. That was the other meaning of the title, love is undying, and the undead are undying. I know I'm rambling, forgive me, it's late and I'm tired. Except if anything, it would be less gross since it would be dried up plants instead of rotten flesh, and yes the Mushroom people would start to become more plant-like.

After several chase scene and close calls of needing to defend themselves, but not wanting to hurt the Mushroom people who had become desperate and violent, it would all slowly pass into a mythological theme.

A real cure was never reached, but after a journey though the desert to find the ruins of an ancient civilization of cactus people, a sort of antidote was found with the side effect of de-evolution. The mushroom seeds would be planted and eventually be reborn, thus the survivors, (Peach, Bowser, the Koopalings, etc.) would later watch over the garden until they mushroom people could be reborn. This is after the zombie apocalypse that wiped out must of the population save for a small group of koopas (para, goomba, etc. also) and yoshies.

This was supposed to be the full story of their lives in a nearly deserted would where everyone knows everyone, in the entire world. Periodic visits to Earth would be made until eventually the Mario brothers would go back since their heroics were no longer needed when the era of long and quiet peace settled and they were bored anyway. Peach was invited to go to Earth and there's a scene on her parting with Daisy who actually accepted Luigi's invitation to go after Peach insisted it was fine.

The story goes through several stages of their lives and one of the saddest parts is when Peach eventually dies of old age (I'm assuming koopas live far longer so in this story, though Bowser is older he lived longer, plus Peach had he illness to deal with even if it did actually get better over time.) Bowser is very sad, infinitely sad and ends up building all these shrines and monuments to Peach that she insisted were too much when she was still alive.

A few hundred years later, Peach is somehow alive with her last memory being dying of old age, except she's young again, cue mythology. The Mushroom people who were reborn from the ground, dug up her grave and revived her following a strange prophecy that claimed the goddess who gave birth to them all would save them and that goddess is Peach, now an actual zombie, though a preserved one (no rotting problems). It was all thanks to their interpretation of the "ancient writings" which were partially lost in time and are really the things Bowser wrote.

Legends chance over time and there's another group trying to revive the "dragon king" which is actually Bowser to have him fight the goddess, etc. etc. So now they have to figure out a way to make everyone get along before they can rest in peace (note that they did live long lives together and are constantly mentally exhausted due to "not belonging". More fluff, etc. etc. they all lived (or died) happily ever after.

The longest part of the story would be the entire zombie part and then the part that follows their lives all the way to the end of Peach's lifespan (around 80-something). My stories are odd aren't they?

mario, fanfiction

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