October 29
Today's update is based on a dream from a few days ago, I just didn't get around to write it until today. As for today's dream, it was odd but good. I was in some kind of award ceremony with Reno (Final Fantasy VII) except it wasn't formal so so dresses or tux, everyone was wearing tshirts, shorts, stuff like that. But the place was elegant and there was a carper and everything as if it was the Oscars.
I received an award for writing a script that would be turned into an anime. Then the dreams skips to scenes from the anime. There was this grownup version of Schezo (Puyo Pop) who played the part of "single bishounen that shall never be stolen by a canon character" so the fangirls could fangirl him. Then the main character girl who at first everyone thought would end up with the Schezo lookalike was with this other bishounen. I'm not sure what the plot was about exactly but I think it was sci-fi.
When I woke up I had an argument with the idiot. Though it didn't end up badly, maybe if I keep reminding her I hate her every day she'll finally leave me alone.
Then dad came and ranted in a very slow and monotone voice, which hardly sounded like a rant. He contradicted himself several times and I just ignored him. Well it wasn't really a contradiction per se, more like "I know it shouldn't be like this, but we have to leave it like it" as in accepting things instead of fixing them. I'm not a hypocrite and I'm definitely not one to make worthless sacrifices so that's a big no.
Other than that my day had been uneventful so far, just dealing with a report on Anime List, it should be resolved soon. It's actually the first time I send a report. Crap it's starting to rain.
Fanfic updates: Mineral Moon: Surprising, Unexpected and Just Plain Weird (Harvest Moon)
October 28
Kai got sick! Does that mean I didn't pet him enough? I know he wasn't out in the rain. XD Getting a husband in Harvest Moon is like getting another pet. He doesn't do anything except hang out around the house. -.- He got well by sleeping for a few days though. Then a few days later Luna went to the doc and she's expecting. Lol Kai got the sickness first. XD XD XD