I'm going to get this off my chest first because I'm about to read a story (thank you Snow I needed that!) and I want me next blog to be a totally nice one.
The things that piss me off the most:
People taking out their anger on inanimate objects. I classify them as uncivilized. Breaking things bring more problems it does not solve them. Stop being cave people.
When someone says that x said this, x likes that, x wouldn't do that, and x was never actually consulted on any of those. Do not try to guess what people think, instead ask them.
When people refused to continue learning. They believe they know enough or that they are older and thus smarter than everyone else. When someone politely makes a suggestion they become defensive and if it wee an insult even though it was done to try to help.
Hypocrites, back stabbers and people who claim they do thing out f the goodness of their heart then try to sneak in a fee (not necessarily monetary). If you want to be repaid that is perfectly fine, but say it openly.
When people try to treat me as inferior for whatever reason, treat me as an equal and Ill treat you a an equal. Treat me as inferior and my patience will run out and I'll have to prove I'm superior to you. We're either the same or I'm better, it's your choice.
Which leads to my argument with mother. I asked her polite not to be so rough with the fridge and she yelled at me. She used to tell me when I was younger to be more gentle when closing the refrigerator's door and I learned, then I remind her of the same thing which was her idea and she blows up. She said I shouldn't talk to her that way to which I replied "and you should?" and she said yes because she's the mother. That was it, I made it clear that I'm in no way inferior and that I will treat her whatever way I feel she deserves to be treated. I also told her that the only reason I put up with her crap is for money which is totally true. Makes me want to try harder (or actually try) to find a job so I can get the hell out of here.
She's at aunt's house now, I hope she doesn't come back, ever.