Mar 22, 2008 14:24
The no post day begins! I will be keeping my bloggings on a test file to post after the 21st.
I already posted today's icons for the super challenge at plot whole early on the 20th so I won't fall behind. Since I'm not sure how the time zones work I'll wait until late on the 22nd before posting again.
--Early Afternoon--
It's past midnight so technically it's the 21. I'm not sure about the time zones but whatever this can wait until the 22 to be posted.
Watched Gravitation OVA 1.
Moving fics into the kiwi collection 3 of 15 so far.
The new Gaia bunny plushies are adorable! The brown one made me giggle because I instantly imagined Kiwi cuddling it and calling it Rude. XD It also reminds me of a plushie I had years ago that I seem to have misplaced. D: I called him Chocolate there was also a girl bunny called Pearl she was the first to get lost. Looking back on it I really had to learn to take better care of my things as a kid, it's been years since I lost something but there are older things that I don't have and I don't even remember when I lost them. I should check the plushie shelf to see if Chocolate is there, I don't remember seeing him when we moved here and I was putting the plushies there. I know I'm not going to find Pearl, I think she fell victim to the black hole I used to have in the close of the first house or something.
My closet is much cleaner now, mostly because I have two and keep the black holes in the other one. My comp room closet has lots of shelves with plushies. Not bad, at least they won't collect dust in there, I need to clean Zim often because even if I put plastic covers on him when he's off he still collects dust on top. -.- Aoshi (first comp obsoete but alive at 9 1/2) is white, Chibi (second comp RIP at 5 1/2) was white and blue, I thought a black computer would magically look cleaner, wrong! If anything dust is more obvious and begs to be cleaned daily. Zim is still cute, black and silver, he'll be a year old next may.
I'm going to sleep now, see you tomorrow.
--Late afternoon--
I found Chocolate! *huggles* He was in the plushie shelf after all. ^_^ Pearl is long gone but at least I have Chocolate. He looks just like the Gaia plushie.
I'll moving more fics around today, watching Gravitation OVA 2 and updating fics.
I had another wierd dream but it went by in fast forward and I woke up really fast. All I remember was Reno being some kind of intergalactic rock star, and I was a neko trying to take over the galaxy. I was getting Reno to help with that somehow, turning his fans to my side and getting monies to buy star ships in the black market. XD I was a neko again in this dream! :o XD
Posted Complications Chapter 18 (Mario).
Did some mod work at FoS.
Re-Playing Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. I never finished Riku's story Reverse Rebirth, I need to get around to that but I can't level forever. I have all the HP I can get and all the CP (card points) I can only get more DP (dark points) which makes Riku more powerful but the problem is when he goes to dark move he looks exactly like his clone. Who's idea was that?! Couldn't they at least wear sligthly different colors? I can't tell which why I'm looking, if I'm beating the clone or if the clone is beating Riku. -.- I get all confused because I don't know if I should go left or right or what since I don't know which one is the one I'm controlling and that's the end of that. I'm fine until I reach dark more.
Sora's story (Chain of Memories), the one I'm replaying is much easier. I can order my cards how I want and add healing cards. With Riku I can't heal in the middle of a battle. I'm in the Hercules world, even if Aeris, Yuffie and Cid are in Transverse Town, Cloud is in the Hercules world and he stole Vincent's cloak! XD It always amuses me to see Kiwi with Vinvin's cloak and Sephy's wing. XD
My progress moving the kiwi fics into the new collection so far is 13 of 15, I'll be done soon.
Today has been very peaceful, total holy friday athmosphere. There are some people singing near by I can hear them. They'll probably walk around and sing so they might pass by soon.
All the Kiwi fics are moved into the co-authored collection.
Random: Oreo Cakesters are the win!
--Early Night--
Started watching the Gravitation anime. The art and colors are way better than the OVA, huge difference and I found it in english. ^___^ I'm also posting more fics now.
--Late Night--
Watched up to Gravitation 2 2/3. Posted some old Yu-Gi-Oh! fics. I still have a lot more to post.
--March 22--
And so the strike ends. I wonder how it went overall.
kingdom hearts