Watched the the wrap up of NW... why do they spend more time saying what's going to be on instead of just showing it? Quit stalling! *ignores*
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Black Ring!
Watched Romeo x Juliet episode 8, yay! My only regret is not being able to watch more episodes sooner. Blah, baka crappy conection, the comp is great, it can definitely handle high speed connection but I don't have them, I could if someone would buy it for me but they won't. :( One day when I get a job I'll buy it myself... Cielo is adorable I'm glad he survived *refer to earlier post about dream with Cielo and Reno*
Spoilers are hidden, highlight to read.
[start] Even the producer of Ninja Warrior was surprised with how it turned out, it had the mosr fail in the entire hitory of Sasuke! Maybe he'll make some changes in the next one. It shouldn't be too easy but not so impossible. Am I the only one who thinks Mr. Runner Up got more attention? Sure he was funnier and stuff but still. Of course neither is as cool as Shinsuke. I missed the last bit of the interview, I got impatient with how they spend more time announcing things instead of just showing them.
Akiyama retired. D: Noes! This entire thing has reminded me of Mission Impossible 3, where they made Ethan retire. Giving it a touch of realism is fine but Ethan was the action hero and I wanted him to stay the action hero. If he would retire for anyone it would be Naya (sp?) not Miss Replacement because we couldn't get the other actress. That sucks, but even so the plot, the differences in characters, the !#$% rabbit foot, it sucked.
Point being, I'm one of those fangirls who wants the action hero to stay as the action hero. After the adventure the can gracefully fade away but it has to be done just right, like with K, except they brought him back and blah. But not like Ethan!
Yeah, I know one is reality TV and the other is a movie, the movie has no excuse, I'm just saying Akiyama's retirement reminded me that the action hero will not forever be the action hero. Akiyama will be missed. :( MI3 sucks, love the first 2. At least Shinsuke is young so he might stay for a lot longer. [end]
You know what I want to see? Shinsuke and the dominos. XD Yes, yes, I know, the dominos are from Konouchi but I want to see Sasuke version dominos, that would be so amusing. Maybe the dominos with the buckets at the same time to Sasukefy them. I want to see more Shinsuke!
Cookies if you know where the quote on the title came from!